This organ has been published by Lars Palo under CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 license.
- Sample format: 44.1 kHz, 16 bit stereo
- Single loop, single release
- GUI console
- Temperaments fully supported
Organ information
This organ (III/P/35) was built in 1989 by Grönlunds Orgelbyggeri AB for Piteå School of Music, Sweden.
- Huvudverk (Manual I, 61 notes, C-c4)
- Gedacktpommer 16′
- Principal 8′
- Dubbelflöjt 8′
- Oktava 4′
- Oktava 2′
- Cornet V
- Mixtur IV
- Trumpet 8′
- Öververk (Manual II, 61 notes, C-c4)
- Gedackt 8′
- Fleut d’amour 8′
- Princiapal 4′
- Koppelflöjt 4′
- Kvinta 2 2/3′
- Waldflöjt 2′
- Ters 1 3/5′
- Scharf III
- Cromorne 8′
- Tremulant
- Svällverk (Manual III, 61 notes, C-c4)
- Borduna 16′
- Borduna 8′
- Flute Harmonique 8′
- Gamba 8′
- Voix celeste 8′
- Flute octaviant 4′
- Piccolo 2′
- Mixtur V
- Oboe 8′
- Trompette Harmonique 8′
- Clairon 4′
- Tremulant
- Pedal (32 notes, C-g1)
- Subbas 16′
- Oktava 8′
- Gedackt 8′
- Oktava 4′
- Basun 16′
- Trumpet 8′ (III)
- Clarion 4′ (III)

It includes an extra left and right stop panel:
It includes an additional stop panel:

It also includes a small positve organ: